Today in our mat Pilates class we're adding in equipment to strengthen your body, and dynamic flows to boost your energy and mood. As we move through this class you’re going to practise focusing your attention on what you want to achieve. How do you want to feel in your body? What results do you want to achieve? Use the power of visualisation to feel your body getting stronger and more defined. Your energy lifting, yourself getting closer to your goals with each movement. How much more empowering is this!
Throughout the rest of the day, start to focus on making choices that support you in feeling your best. Focusing on what you’re creating and the impact your positive choices and thoughts will have. The more we can focus on what we want, the easier it becomes to call it into your reality.
If you want to go all out with your intention setting today, you may wish to create a vision board for yourself. This can be really powerful for people who are more visual. Collect images that inspire you and of everything you want to manifest. Pinterest is great for this. Then either arrange them in Canva to create a digital board or print and collage them. Place this somewhere you can look at it every day for that extra boost of motivation, inspiration and focus on what you want and what you’re creating.