Today we have an energising cardio abs and arms class that is going to help you create your energy for the day. We're adding in weights to really challenge our bodies and build strength. Throughout the class you will have the opportunity to release anything from your day so far, anything that may be draining your energy and start to focus on yourself. Creating that fresh, light, vibrant energy that will uplift you for the rest of the day.
You’re nearly finished with this challenge? How are you feeling? Take a moment to do a quick body scan - noticing how you are feeling in the present moment. When we take the time to listen to our bodies, they will often tell us what they need to feel their best.
Ask yourself a few questions to check in with yourself and your current energy levels -
How have you nourished your body today? Did you sleep well? Are you hydrated? Where are you in your cycle? How stressed are you?
A great way to start shifting your energy is to take note of energy givers and energy drainers.
What drains your energy? This could be habits like skipping meals or eating late at night, people that are energy vampires or spending too much time on social media - it will look different for everyone.
What gives you energy? This could be following your passions, putting on a good playlist, creating a new pinterest board, spending time with people you love - again it will look different for everyone.
Being aware of what gives us energy and what drains us is so powerful. We can start to incorporate more of what makes us feel good, and start to eliminate the things that make us feel heavy and bogged down.
Try to add more energy givers into your day, and remove some energy drainer to keep these high vibes you've created.